I have a subversion server up and running as an apache module.
All client operations work fine, EXCEPT any commits after I have done
a "svn copy" or "svn mv". For those commits I get this error:
Couldn't determine absolute path of '\\\\foo\\bar\\baz\\svn'
(where '\\\\foo\\bar\\baz\\svn' matches the path to my
repository, as configured in httpd.conf)
The apache server is running as the windows user "svnadmin"
which has full access to the repository data. If I configure the
server to run as administrator, or give "svnadmin" full
"domain administrator" rights, then the problem completely
disappears. Of course this is not a desirable solution: I would like
to give minimal rights to "svnadmin" to do its job.
So what am I missing here? What is it that the server account needs
so that is can also handle "svn copy" commits?
This seems to be exactly the same problem as described by
But that question went unanswered.
Thanks in advance,
More details:
Subversion 1.4.0
Apache 2.0.59
mod_auth_sspi 1.0.4
Hosted on Windows 2000
The apache log contains the following errors:
[Mon Sep 25 11:40:29 2006] [error] [client] Could not
MOVE/COPY /repository/!svn/bc/38/branches/WIC/file-in-WIC-branch.txt.
[500, #0]
[Mon Sep 25 11:40:29 2006] [error] [client] Unable to make
a filesystem copy. [500, #125001]
[Mon Sep 25 11:40:29 2006] [error] [client] Couldn't
determine absolute path of '\\\\foo\\bar\\baz\\svn' [500, #125001]
[Mon Sep 25 11:40:29 2006] [error] [client] (OS 87)The
parameter is incorrect. : authentication failure for
"/repository/!svn/act/fc6a2674-766e-8a4b-aac5-dc042b2f94ed": user
unknown, reason: cannot generate context
(note that the last authentication failure may be unrelated: I have
read that it is the
SSPI module trying to use the "guest" account, which is normal and automatically
retried with the server account)
relevant section from apache httpd.conf
<Location /repository >
DAV svn
SVNPath //foo/bar/baz/svn
# always require logon, even for readonly access
Require valid-user
AuthName "R&D Subversion repository"
# Authentication with the windows domain controller
AuthType SSPI
SSPIAuthoritative On
SSPIDomain mydomainname
SSPIOfferBasic On
# simplify username as passed to svn for fine grained access control
SSPIOmitDomain On
SSPIUsernameCase lower
# For any operations other than these, require the user to be in the
# "Baz Developers" group.
Require group "Baz Developers"
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Received on Mon Sep 25 15:04:24 2006