Hello there. I'm looking for a bit of help troubleshooting a WinXP
client problem. Executing any of the "checkout," "update," and "commit"
commands against a WebDav repository is really slow (e.g., checking out
a small repository takes about 7-8 minutes). The requests never fail,
they just take a really long time to complete. I don't have any problems
working with repositories that use the svn network protocal, just ones
that use WebDav.
I've tried a few different versions of the SVN client for WinXP,
TortoiseSVN, and Subclipse. All exhibit the same problem. Currently, I'm
working with the SVN command line client, version 1.3.2 (r19776) on a
machine running WinXP SP2 (with all current patches).
I ran Ethereal to capture some information about the conversation.
Here's the only interesting HTTP request that I noticed:
--- Begin Ethereal Snip ---
REPORT /qed/!svn/vcc/default HTTP/1.1\r\n
Host: svn.pilzner.com
User-Agent: SVN/1.3.2 (r19776) neon/0.25.5
Connection: TE
TE: trailers
Content-Type: text/xml
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept-Encoding: gzip
<S:update-report send-all="true"
<S:target-revision>3</S:target-revision><S:entry rev="3"
--- End Ethereal Snip ---
When the server receives the request it responds with a 400 status code
(bad request). I'm assuming that this happens because the XML body isn't
well-formed (the right angle bracket to close the <S:update-report>
element is missing). The other interesting thing about this request is
that after this there's no network traffic for several minutes.
Eventually the SVN client re-sends the request with a well-formed XML
body and the server responds with a status code of 200. The SVN command
then succeeds.
I'd appreciate any help troubleshooting this.
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Received on Wed Jul 12 05:27:55 2006