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Is it possible to use svn:externals not recursively?

From: Andreas Waechter <andreasw_at_gemini.cheme.cmu.edu>
Date: 2006-04-22 09:14:06 CEST


We are maintaining an open source repository, and want to start using
subversion. We like the idea of externals, but face the following

Some of our projects (which themselves are stand-alone) are interrelated,
for example

B -> A (-> meaning requires)

C -> A, B

D -> A, C

We thought of using svn:externals to tell B to get A in a subdirectory,
and when we get C, we would like to get A and B in two parallel
subdirectories. However, if B defines svn:externals to get A, and C
defines svn:externals to get A and B, I obtain the directory structure

C - A
  - B - A

i.e., I get A twice, possible with different revisions if those are
specified with the externals. (Of course, if I'm the project manager for
C and want to use a different version of A than what is current for B, I
need to make sure it works.)

Also, if the svn:externals are defined as above, when I define D to depend
on A and C, I get a copy of B that I don't need. (B might be a data
collection for test programs for A and C, but not for D.)

Our problems would be solved, if one could tell an entry in the
svn:externals not to recurse into further externals, e.g., if it would be
possible to give the --ignore-externals option to a line in the
svn:externals definition, but that doesn't seem supported at the moment?

I tried to find something on this on the mailing list archive, but
couldn't find anything. Is this something that is going to be supported
at some point? Or is there a workaround?

Many thanks in advance,


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Received on Mon Apr 24 19:41:49 2006

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