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migrating from Visual Source Safe

From: Robert William Vesterman <bob_at_vesterman.com>
Date: 2006-04-09 05:58:46 CEST

I am currently running the conversion utility vss2svn, found at
http://vss2svn.tigris.org, to migrate from an existing VSS repository to
a new Subversion repository. I had read that it's slow, but I guess I
was unprepared for how slow. It's been going for over four hours now,
and it hasn't yet produced any feedback (either to stdout or to stderr).

So, I am growing concerned that it might not be doing anything.

Is this normal? Running for over four hours, with no feedback? This is
on a VSS project that doesn't seem terribly large to me.

Also, I had read that VSS is very slow over the network, so I made sure
to do this migration locally on the machine with the VSS repository, and
set SSDIR to a local path rather than a network path. However, I am
concerned that I might not have done so sufficiently for vss2svn's needs:

I opened up a DOS window, and did a "set SSDIR=c:\blah", and then ran
vss2svn from that same DOS window.

However, the machine's "regular" environment variables have SSDIR set to
"\\machine\blah", which is the network path to c:\blah on the same
machine. Is it possible that vss2svn is getting SSDIR from there,
rather than from the DOS window I'm running it in?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Received on Sun Apr 9 05:58:33 2006

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