Young, Jason (GE Infrastructure) wrote:
> Does anyone have a pre-commit script for Windows that requires a log
> message to be entered? I know about the one included with subversion,
> but I would like something that runs direct if possible.
Try the attached. (You'll need to set %SVNLOOK%.
(I actually use a variant of this, with grep, which allows easy checking
things like a single space.)
> For that matter, is there a site that has a collection of hook scripts
> for Windows?
I don't know of any, but I'm sitting on a number of patches for and, making them work properly on win32
and with 1.2.x python bindings. I don't have time right now to submit
proper patches to dev@ but if you're interested I can post the full
versions somewhere.
@echo off
:: check-empty-log.cmd - Stops commits that have empty log messages.
set "REPOS=%~1"
set "TXN=%~2"
:: Make sure that the log message contains some text.
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('%SVNLOOK% log -t "%TXN%" "%REPOS%"') do set "LOGMSG=%%i"
if not "%LOGMSG%"=="" exit 0
echo. 1>&2
echo Your commit has been blocked because you didn't give any log message! 1>&2
echo Please write a log message describing the purpose of your changes and 1>&2
echo then try committing again. -- Thank you, Your Loving Admins. 1>&2
exit 1
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Received on Wed Mar 1 20:14:58 2006