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Re: Creating a project

From: Ryan Schmidt <subversion-2006Q1_at_ryandesign.com>
Date: 2006-02-28 13:53:58 CET

On Feb 28, 2006, at 08:20, garyt wrote:

> I've created a repository and now want to add a project, two
> questions:
> 1) Do I have to manually create the trunk,tags and branches folders
> and put them in a folder in the repository or are those folders
> automatically created if I use the 'svn import' command.
> 2)Is there a command to view a list of all the projects in a
> repository ?

The Subversion repository is just a directory and file structure like
any other filesystem. Subversion knows nothing about "projects." How
you arrange your projects in Subversion is entirely up to you.
Whether you want to create a separate repository for each project, or
a single repository for all projects, whether you want to put all
projects at the root level of the repository or divide it up further
at the first level (for example, we are a web design company and the
first level in our repository is the name of the client, then the
next level lists that client's projects) is also up to you, and once
you know how you're arranging your projects in the repository (or
repositories), then you'll know how to get out a list of them.

Subversion does not create any directories for you, trunk/branches/
tags or any other. Subversion assigns no special meanings to any
directories, trunk/branches/tags or any other. The directories trunk/
branches/tags are merely a convention recommended by the book, and if
you want to follow this convention, then you must create the
directories. While you can use "svn mkdir" with the URL to the
repository, this creates a separate revision for each directory you
create, and really, conceptually, it's all part of the same task:
import the project into the repository for the first time. So many
people first set up the trunk/branches/tags structure in a local
temporary directory, put their current code into this trunk
directory, then import that whole thing into the repository, then
delete the temporary directory (or at least move it out of the way).

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Received on Tue Feb 28 13:57:24 2006

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