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RE: CaSe insensetive OS not handled well

From: Janulewicz, Matthew <MJanulewicz_at_westernasset.com>
Date: 2005-08-22 23:56:36 CEST

Remember, it's the *filesystem* that cares about case, not the OS. I mount NTFS partitions on my Linux box all the time, and I'm still limited by NTFS, not Windows, you know?

IMHO, any source control tool shouldn't assume anything. If svn assumes what was asserted below, that's fine for windows. Should it assume other things for *nix users? I don't think a cross platform source control tool should bother making those kinds of OS-centric decisions.

All source control tools handle this kind of thing in a different way, but it ultimately is up to the local and server filesystems, not the tool itself, to impose limits on what you can do.

I also think that a source control tool should not alter your source, even the file names (refer to the heated debate about code style and automation about a month ago.)

All this being said, it seems to me this whole debate is about imposing common sense on the tool. This really hasn't come up *that* much in my 10 years of experience, and when it does, I just tell the engineer 'don't do that'.

As somewhat of an aside, ClearCase had server options for 'Case Sensitive' and 'Case Preserving' which were actually kinda neat (even though it goes against my philosophy to have them at all.) I turned both of them off at the time, which essentially checked every filename in as all lowercase.


-----Original Message-----
From: Vincent Starre [mailto:vstarre@comcast.net]
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 2:40 PM
To: Christopher Ness
Cc: users@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: Re: CaSe insensetive OS not handled well

Christopher Ness wrote:

>Did you really just map *.c = *.c in your above example? Because that
>would be wrong IMO. Imagine ( main.c = function.c ).
>Although I know what you are trying to suggest: ( main.c = Main.c ) that
>is not what is implied by the kleene star above.
if I am not mistaken, the way windows utils tend to handle asterisks,
that actually would be correct.
Windows asterisks and bash asterisks are not the same.

>Not to be rude, but SVN allows you to reject mixed case commits with a
>hook script, but it will _never_ modify the transactions you create for
And as far as a case-insensitive OS is concerned, no modification would
take place. Really, the idea of
saying that File.c and file.c are two seperate files when the OS says
they are not is a flaw. That is: it is
breaking the transaction to assert such a falsehood.

I presume such wild notions as "I think file.c and File.c are the same"
will become more accepted once true
moves/renames are implimented- if I dont say "svn mv" it can be assumed
that I want the case that's in the repos,
if I /do/ say "svn mv" it can be assumed that I want the case that's in
my working copy. If my OS is one that cares
about the case of filenames, it can be assumed that the files really are

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Received on Mon Aug 22 23:58:24 2005

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