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Re: Fwd: Max Path Length Headache

From: Branko Čibej <brane_at_xbc.nu>
Date: 2005-02-18 20:12:58 CET

C. Michael Pilato wrote:

>Branko Čibej <brane@xbc.nu> writes:
>>C. Michael Pilato wrote:
>>>The Subversion libraries use relative paths.
>>Actually, the svn command-line client does, not the libraries
>Sure they do. If I provide a working copy path to the Subversion
>libraries, they calculate paths (such as where the ".svn" directory
>for that wc-path is, and the stuff under that ".svn" path, etc.) as
>relative to whatever input they were given.
Yes, certainly, but they can't do anything else, right? So if the input
is absolute, then so are the paths the libraries use.

>>The problem with switching to absolute paths in the client is that
>>you'd get absolute paths in the output, too. We could avoid that in
>>most places, but that would entail a significant amount of work.
>The only significant challenge
I said "significant amount of work", not significant challenge. :) That
said, I agree with the rest of this paragraph.

> that I know of is dealing with error
>message strings. Because there's no way to pick out a path from the
>text of an error message, you'd have no hope of using path/string
>manipulations on those things to "pretty up" the output. All other
>output from the libraries comes via callback mechanisms and returned
>values, all of which either trickle up to the client binary (where
>they can be morphed into beauty) or head back down into the libraries
>again (where beauty doesn't matter, and absoluteness is desired).
>Another (ugly) alternatively, though, is for the libraries to sanity
>check the length of their relative paths, and, if approaching a known
>danger zone, chdir() into (and back out of) the long path's parent
Oh yuck, absolutely not. CWD is a process-global attribute on most
systems, and I don't want my library to change it behind my back.

-- Brane

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Received on Fri Feb 18 20:15:38 2005

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