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RE: Merger not Merging -- What I would like a merge process to do.

From: Dassi, Nasser <NDassi_at_141xm.com>
Date: 2005-01-26 02:42:05 CET

I have not written much the past couple of days; work has kept me
busy... But I digress.

As "helpful" (quoted b/c of subjectiveness to the term) as the below
information may be, it is unfortunately presented with extreme prejudice
and bias in a spirit-hampering way.

A [new] user's prejudices of how a product should function is *NOT*
correlated to the quality of said product. The usability of a product
is unrelated to its quality, as well.

I am relatively new (< 3 months) yet I encounter absolutely no
misunderstandings as to the product as this fellow, Mr. Ford, has. I
personally believe learning about a product before using it is utmost
helpful (RTFM, so to speak).

Mr. Ford's extreme prejudices and biases may stem from his personal
admiration for mis-appropriated adages, but that is neither here nor
there. I simply do not believe there is a flaw in the approach
Subversion has taken; assumptions of a user's abilities and knowledge
are clearly DOCUMENTED and expressed throughout all explanations as to
the purposes and functionalities of Subversion. Ben et al., you have
all done a great job at educating users about the ins and outs of this
software infrastructure.

Thank you.

- nasser

Nasser Dassi
Sr. Technical Programmer
E: ndassi@141xm.com

-----Original Message-----
From: matthew ford [mailto:matthew.ford@forward.com.au]
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 7:00 PM
To: users@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: Re: Merger not Merging -- What I would like a merge process to

Hi all,

After a lot of helpful answers from this list, (and some on going
discussions on TSVN) I think the problem with merge for me, as a new
is that it was concieved as an enhanced diff/patch.
However to a new user who has never used diff (me), the necessary
history is
missing and hence many of my mis-understandings.

In hindsight it would have been easier for me to understand if merge had
been designed from the ground up so that
svn merge branch trunk . would merge from branch to the trunk and
update the local WC of trunk
svn merge -r 100:200 trunk . would merge revisions 100 (inclusive)
200 (inclusive) to the local WC

I think the svn docs could be improved by including a little more on
Such as the explaination
"the diff between what was and what is when applied (patched) to someone
elses what was will make theirs what is"
or some such would have helped a lot. (This should be repeated in both
discussion of diff and merge)

Then, rememebering that merge is an enhanced diff/patch, the above
makes sense of
svn merge branch trunk .
assuming the current WC is the branch then this merge patches the
current WC
upto trunk.

Yes simple I know but to a new user not at all obvious.

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Received on Wed Jan 26 02:45:27 2005

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