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RE: Labeling revisions advice sought

From: Dale Worley <dworley_at_pingtel.com>
Date: 2004-12-30 17:55:51 CET

-----Original Message-----
From: David Kramer [mailto:david@thekramers.net]

- I don't want to do an svn copy every day for one of these builds,
because I think that would make the repository huge. I know it's a
"cheap" copy, but cheap != free, and 50 or 60 cheap copies of thousands of
files for every release can add up.

Well, I'd expect the cost of a copy to be several tens of bytes.
Multiplying 20 bytes/copy * 60 copies/file * 10,000 files = 12 megabytes,
which doesn't seem to be much these days. (And most of the files do not
need to be mentioned individually, as other posters have noted.)

I expect it would slow down access after a while, too.

I would hope not. Well-designed data structures usually have access time
proportional to at most the log of the number of items in the data
structure, so you might be adding 50% to the file-lookup time, not 50 times.

- I played with the idea of having a special file in the repository that
gets revision/label property pairs assigned to it, but apparently you
cannot get the properties of a file by URL, only working copy.

"svn propget svn:externals https://scm.sipfoundry.org/rep/sipXpbx/main"
worked for me.

-I wrote a script that is beautiful in [its] hackishness. The heart of
getrevlabel.sh is:
svn cat $SVNREPOS/build/revlabels.txt | \
        awk -v LABEL="$1" '$1==LABEL {print $2}'

Now the user can svn checkout -r `getrevlabel.sh 8.0a` $SVNREPOS

function svn-checkout-label()
svn checkout -r $( svn cat $SVNREPOS/build/revlabels.txt | \
        awk '$1=="'$1"' {print $2}' $) $SVNREPOS

The user can do "svn-checkout-label 8.0a".


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Received on Thu Dec 30 17:58:15 2004

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