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Re: filenames different from OS to OS

From: Joe <svn_at_freedomcircle.net>
Date: 2004-12-05 20:46:09 CET

Hi Sven,

Sven Brueggemann wrote:

>>>I want to version files that are compatible between operating
>>>systems, but have different names on Win and Unix (8.3 under Win,
>>>8.7 under Unix).
>>Are you referring to files that have essentially the same content, e.g.,
>>module.def on Windows vs. module.defines on Unix?
> Yes.
>>If it's the former, do you ever want to fetch
>>the 8.7 Unix file and compile it or otherwise use it under Windows, but
>>with its 8.3 name?
> Exactly. The files are data files produced by a 3rd party application that
> are read and edited on both systems.
> Can you suggest a solution? Then maybe we should switch back to the mailing list.

The only solution that comes to mind is external to Subversion, i.e.,
keep the files as 8.7 in the repository and have a simple batch file
that renames them to 8.3 on Windows prior to their being used there. Or
you could copy them to 8.3 and use svn:ignore so svn status won't report
on them. The only problem with that solution is if you ever need to
change these files and resubmit them back from the Windows side:
somebody could forget to copy/rename back to the 8.7 format.



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Received on Sun Dec 5 20:48:26 2004

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