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Global revision keyword

From: Duncan Murdoch <murdoch_at_stats.uwo.ca>
Date: 2004-10-27 15:05:19 CEST

Last year there was a discussion on this list about the problems of
implementing an svn:keywords subsitution keyword which puts in place
the global revision of a source tree. The general impression I got
from reading it was that this was too much of a special case need to
justify putting it in.

First of all, has this changed? I don't see it in the book, but is it
there now?

If not, has anyone written a hook script to have the same effect? For
example, I'd like a script that did the following:

If there's a commit to the trunk, then before acting on it, the script
would write something (the new revision number, if that's available,
or maybe just a timestamp) to a version file, and add that file to the
commit. If the commit is to a branch, it would write to the file in
that branch.

To explain why this would be desirable, some background:

I'm working on the R project, an open source statistics package that
runs on lots of different platforms. We distribute it in several
different forms: tarballs of source built from a repository checkout,
public access to the repository using https://..., binary builds from
checkouts, binary builds from tarballs, and maybe some others.

Only the people doing builds from a checkout could run svnversion as
part of the build process to get a version stamp into it, so we have a
daily script that writes and commits a date-stamp file. This works,
but it's inaccurate (a build may be several commits away from the time
the date-stamp file was built) and it fills up the log with boring
"(auto)" commits of the date stamp to the trunk and patched branches:

Duncan Murdoch

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Received on Wed Oct 27 15:07:42 2004

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