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Checkout/Export without keyword substituion

From: Peter Strempel <zotan_at_web.de>
Date: 2004-09-25 17:12:46 CEST


is there a way to suppress keyword substituion during checkout or
export, like the CVS -kk switch?

I have a lot of files with the $Id$ keyword in the header. Those files
have the "svn:keywords Id" property set. So when I checkout, the $Id$
keyword is replaced. Fine, that's how it's supposed to work.

However, occasionally I need to do an export without the keyword
replacement (I need this to synch the whole code with a remote CVS
server). With CVS I'd just do "cvs export -r HEAD myproject -kk", and
the $Id$ stays $Id$.

I currently see two approaches for this using SVN:
* Don't use keywords at all (bad, I like, use and need them)
* Create a branch, remove all "svn:keywords" properties from the branch
and then export the branch (better, but sort of unelegant).

Is there a better way to do this which I havn't found yet (I'm quite new
to Subversion) ?



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Received on Sat Sep 25 17:13:23 2004

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