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Files changed on svn update

From: Neil Gunton <neil_at_nilspace.com>
Date: 2004-08-31 16:32:56 CEST


I recently started using subversion to manage my web development files,
and it's doing a fantastic job. I just have one issue, which I am not
sure about.

My development directory tree is fairly large, because it includes
basically all of my websites. There are hundreds of subdirectories, each
of which has the usual .svn subdir.

The problem is that when I do a 'svn update' on the root of this tree,
*all* the .svn/entries files and .svn/tmp/ subdirs get "touched", so
that when I do my rsync backups, there is a lot of copying of stuff that
really didn't change. At least, it doesn't seem like it *should* have
changed, since most of my files had no changes at all. I know that I
could do the update individually on only the relevant subdirs that
actually changed, and thus only those would get touched by subversion,
but in reality there are often cases where there are quite a few
scattered changes throughout my tree and it just makes more sense to do
the update at the root. For example, analog (web log analysis) files are
scattered throughout my websites, and these are updated every week. I
could write a script of course, and this isn't a big issue, but I was
just wondering if it is really necessary for subversion to touch
.svn/entries and .svn/tmp/ if no changes have happened in the relevant

Thanks, and apologies if this is a dumb question,


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Received on Tue Aug 31 16:33:24 2004

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