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using/creating hooks within subversion...

From: bruce <bedouglas_at_earthlink.net>
Date: 2004-08-26 00:08:17 CEST


in exploring the subversion docs, the concept of hooks is discussed. i'm
interested in understanding how a given hook/template is called. the docs
discussed the sample hooks, and the naming of the hooks, but i couldn't find
information on how i could write a hook of my own, and have it be called.

as an example, if i wrote a hook and called it foo.pl, how would i tell the
svn/svnserve functions to use it.

i'm considering something where a user would use a hook when attempting to
access the svn repository. the client would 'send' a username/passwd. the
hook would access a db based upon the usernam/passwd to determine what
dirs/files the user has access to. the hook would either grant/deny access
to the user.

but i have no idea as to how to integrate this kind of function within the
framework of subversion...

the reaon i'm looking at this kind of soln is that i'm considering an app
that will have alot of dirs/files that will be created/added/deleted from
the repository. using apache to provide the access control would probably
entail a great deal of editing the httpd.conf file as dirs are changed,
which isn't something i'd want to maintain over time...

searching through the docs/google hasn't shed any light on this issue...

any assistance/comments/pointers/samples/etc... would be greatly



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Received on Thu Aug 26 00:05:11 2004

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