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How to branch with missing directory

From: Henderson, Michael D <michael.d.henderson_at_lmco.com>
Date: 2004-08-25 01:37:22 CEST

I'm practicing on creating a branch to work a ticket. Our policy from VSS has been

 * Create a branch for the release

 * Create a folder based on the ticket number
   (eg VSS $/ releaseNumber / ticketNumber)

 * Branch all of the files that need updating to the new folder

 * Work the issue

 * Check everything back in

 * Merge the entire folder back in to the trunk

I'm trying to figure out how to do this in svn.

It seemed like a simple branch should do the job, but I'm getting an error

 $ svn copy \
     svn://garnet/trunk \
     svn://garnet/branches/releaseNumber/ticketNumber \
     -m "CSR 12345"

 subversion/libsvn_repos/commit.c:114: (apr_err=160028)
 svn: Out of date: 'branches/releaseNumber' in transaction '1-1'

I'm guessing that's because branches/releaseNumber doesn't exist. I was hoping that the copy would create missing directory entries (like mkdir -p), but it doesn't seem so.

The obvious solution would be for me to physically create the "releaseNumber" directory under branches/ and check it in. Then I should be able to do the copy, right? Is there a better way to do this? The rational for creating ticketNumber under releaseNumber is to track which tickets are in each release. Then we could run svn log and filter on that releaseNumber to zero in on the changes when we're ready to merge back to the trunk.


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Received on Wed Aug 25 01:37:51 2004

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