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Re: Distinguish between OS when doing client-server operations

From: Toby Johnson <toby_at_etjohnson.us>
Date: 2004-08-17 17:50:22 CEST

Leif Warland wrote:

>If there are some files in a module in the repository that are OS
>specific (example are DLL files), it would be nice to have some way of
>omitting those when working on a different OS (example Unix).
FYI, it is not common practice to version-control compiled files such as
DLLs. I realize you're just giving an example and maybe you have a
vendor branch where source isn't available, but if possible it's best to
version control only your source files and ignore things like DLLs using

That being said, what you're suggesting would be pretty unworkable. I'm
assuming you're talking about having "svn checkout" simply not retrieve
certain files based on a property. But that would create an incomplete
working copy. What would "svn status" show on such a WC with respect to
the missing files? What would happen if someone on Unix added a file
that existed in the repository but wasn't pulled down on their WC
because it was marked "Windows-only"?

Is there an underlying problem with having these files exist in working
copies on the wrong platform? Maybe your problem could be solved some
other way. If you give us some more specifics on what you're trying to
accomplish, there might be a better way to do it.

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Received on Tue Aug 17 17:50:48 2004

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