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RE: AW: Problems converting to/from utf-8

From: Barkey, Christian LUX <Christian.Barkey_at_HVB.lu>
Date: 2004-08-13 10:19:18 CEST

> I should eventually prepare a FAQ on how to deal with your problem,
> since this seems to turn up increasingly frequently.

Sound's a good Idea, because I think, Tobias, you and me, we are not the only people using these funny characters worldwide. I recently had a discussion with Toby Johnson from vss2svn-migration tool where these problems also came up.

> Here's how I solved the identical issue (on a NetBSD box),
> i.e. all server-side calls to svn* bailed out on the first non-ASCII byte > in a filename, but TortoiseSVN works like a charm:

> 1. Make sure your SVN installation (specifically apr-util, I think) is linked
> against libiconv. (If it isn't, you'll be out of luck with the following steps.)

I downloaded the win32 - edition of SVN from tigris.org. How can I check if this build is linked against libiconv?

> 2. The minimum locale setting required is LC_CTYPE. I've set it
> to "de_DE.ISO8859-1", but you'll have to figure out whatever is appropriate for Solaris.

Does anybody knows what has to be set under Win32? Simply hacking set de_DE.ISO8859-1 didn't do the trick, however I didn't expect it to work.

| When trying to svn add the file[ with german umlaute , the following error shows up.
| c:\_tst>svn add trunk/täst.txt
| svn: Safe data:
| "trunk/t"
| ... was followed by non-ascii byte 228.
| Non-ascii character detected (see above), and unable to convert to/from
| UTF-8
| svn list, svn log --verbose and svn status --verbose give the same error.
| Windows is set to german. On the server, the user running the repository has
| this language settings:
| $ locale
| Committing the file with Tortoise works but I need the command line, too.
| Any idea, what to do about this?

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Received on Fri Aug 13 10:20:07 2004

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