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Planning to move to 1.1rc2 this weekend (possibly)

From: David Budworth <dbudworth_at_eloan.com>
Date: 2004-08-13 00:34:19 CEST

Just wanted to get an idea of the general publics feelings on 1.1rc2's
data retention.

I noticed that a corruption bug was fixed from rc1 -> rc2 and I'm just
trying to figure out if anyone has put a production server on the new

We would be moving about 3.1GB of bdb repository over to fsfs with the
plan of converting our larger CVS tree (cvs2svn ends up with a 3.7GB
29k commit dumpfile) shortly there after.

The switch to fsfs is mainly for my own peace of mind and false sense
of security for the PHBs who lurk on the list and see all the BDB
issues people have.

Ultimately, I know there are no guarantees but I'm just hoping that if
we do run in to something, repairing a fsfs broken repo would be

I'd guess that fixing the broken repo may be as easy as deleting the
offending commit files+ (meaning deleting commit 670->current would put
us back to 669) but that's just a guess as I've never actually seen a
fsfs filesystem on disk.

Main reason for this switch is I believe that 1.1 has better support
for mass merging than 1.0 did given that merge now follows history? Or
maybe I just misread something about that.
As it stands now, every few days I spend several hours merging peoples
branches to the trunk , mostly conflict resolution. It's mainly just
me as I'm the code reviewer here and part of that review is to merge to
trunk and run testsuites.

Thank you for your time,
-David Budworth

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Received on Fri Aug 13 00:35:06 2004

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