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WebDAV access problem with .svn directories

From: Josh Kuo <josh.kuo_at_prioritynetworks.net>
Date: 2004-08-10 21:21:51 CEST

I have set up a subversion server with apache, mod_dav, mod_dav_svn,
mod_ldap, so users can use a WebDAV capable browser (IE, Nautilus,
Konqueror) and authenticate via LDAP to access the repository.

To most users on my network, this is just a "remote file server" that
allows them to drag-n-drop files back and forth. But if an user were to
drag an entire directory/folder from the remote subversion server to her
desktop, what happens is it copies *everything* in that directory, from
the files, sub directories, to all the .svn structure. And this creates
a problem when she drags the entire folder back to the server, because
the old folder gets deleted first, and then her new version is added,
except because she has not actual svn client installed, the versioning
information is not present in her folder's .svn directories.

I know I am probably using subversion in a way it is not intended to be
used. I see the benefit of having versioning capabilities in this setup
of a "file server", so an administrator can have the ability to retrieve
lost files or "roll back" when someone accidentally made a mistake.

Is there a work-around for this? I don't want to specify in httpd.conf
to exclude every possible .svn sub directories in all the folders,
because users could create his/her own new folders.

Josh Kuo <josh.kuo@prioritynetworks.net>
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Received on Tue Aug 10 21:22:32 2004

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