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I'm at my wits end. (Subversion merge stupidity)

From: Mike Javorski <mjavorski_at_spokesoftware.com>
Date: 2004-08-04 03:16:29 CEST

So I have a repository for my companies website, with two directoryies,
"active" and "webstage", holding the active and staging version of a
website respectivly. Generally the idea is that once changes are
completed on the staging server the lot is merged over to the active
server. This for the most part works well, but every once in a while svn
merge throws me for a loop.

Some architecture details:
Server: Redhat 9.x + patches + Summer's Subversion/Neon/Apache RPMS
Client: Gentoo w/ subversion-1.0.6 ebuild, using command line for

There is two problems, one is really annoying/frustrating, the other is
just annoying:

Problem #1:

We go through the following steps:

- mkdir webstage/demo, insert some stuff into the new dir, commit
. Other stuff happens here that is irrelevent to this example
- mkdir active/demo, insert some other stuff into the new dir, commit
- change some files in webstage/demo and commit
. Now it gets interesting.
From active, run svn merge ./@HEAD ../webstage@HEAD and what do I see

D demo/file1.html
D demo/file2.html
D demo
Svn: Revision 134619188 doesn't match existing revision 339 in 'demo'

Now active/demo is empty, and the files marked as deleted. This makes no
sense whatsoever, there should be either a fault, and svn merge should
fail indicating that it can't determine how to merge, or (preferably)
should delete the old files and place the merged files in the directory
like I told it to. I have fixed this in the past by deleting one
directory, and commiting a fresh copy. Doing that seems to clear the
issue, but the issue really shouldn't happen to begin with.

Problem #2:
For some reason (on the same repository as above) svn merge thinks it
ALWAYS has to merge over some of the image files. When I go to commit
the directory, it doesn't include them, so that's fine, but the problem
is it ALWAYS thinks they are out of sync. These image files were copied
from webstage/ to active/ within svn, but it for some reason still
thinks there is a versioning delta between them and proceeds to re-copy
them on each merge attempt. This is not a drastic problem, but it is
very annoying when you are trying to figure out what files are being
merged, and for some people on remote, can cause a considerable time
delay as it recopies the files.

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Received on Wed Aug 4 03:16:45 2004

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