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RE: Filename case

From: Jeff Lanzarotta <lanzarottaj_at_rogersltd.com>
Date: 2004-06-01 15:18:29 CEST

Those were my same thoughts... I was just wondering if there was anything already implemented. I have already removed the "duplicate" files and informed the developers to watch the case of their file names in the future.

-----Original Message-----
From: Branko Cibej [mailto:brane@xbc.nu]
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 8:59 AM
To: Jeff Lanzarotta
Cc: Subversion User List (E-mail)
Subject: Re: Filename case

Jeff Lanzarotta wrote:

>I have the subversion server (svnserve) setup on a linux machine and our clients run on Windows 2000.
>A problem occurred when I was checking out one of our repositories to a new directory. I received the following error: 'Object of the same name already exists.'
>What I found out was that I had inadvertently checked in the same file under two different names. The first file name was DELETE.ICO and the second file was delete.ico. DELETE.ICO was checked in under revision 2 and delete.ico was under revision 4. Naturally under Linux, this represents two unique files but under Windows it doesn't.
>My question is, is there a way to protect against this? In this scenario, the files DELETE.ICO and delete.ico are actually the same file.
What exactly would you like to protect against? I see two issues here:

    * Someone on a case-sensitive system checked in two files that
      differ only in case
    * This prevented someone on a case-insensitive system from checking
      out the tree.

There's no real solution for the first issue, unless we introduce the
notion of a "case-insensitive" repository and forced some kind of
case-insensitive behaviour in all working copies. That's a huge change
and won't happen any time soon, if ever.

As for the second issue, there's really not much to do once the damage
is done in the repo (apart from making the error message nicer, of course).

>Thoughts and ideas?
You can solve this by removing or renaming one of the two fines directly
in the repository; e.g.,

    svn rm svn://server/path/to/DELETE.ICO

will do the right thing regardless of case-sensitivity on the client.

Brane Čibej   <brane_at_xbc.nu>   http://www.xbc.nu/brane/
Received on Tue Jun 1 15:19:09 2004

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