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0.32, the "1.0" milestone, and the 1.0 release.

From: <kfogel_at_collab.net>
Date: 2003-10-03 06:50:18 CEST

A lot of folks have been asking, "What's up with the issues marked for
the '1.0' milestone? Are they after Beta, or before Beta, or what?"

Okay, actually no one's been asking that. But I wanted start with a
leading question, so I could pretend to answer it...

The "1.0" milestone has been a dumping ground for issues that are
nice-to-haves for a 1.0 release, but not truly required. I won't talk
about particular issues here; anyone looking over the 25 or so "1.0"
bugs can come to their own conclusions about which ones are important
to fix before 1.0 and which aren't. And probably not come to exactly
the same conclusion as someone else would, either :-).

Over the next day, you'll see me moving many of them to a new "1.1"
milestone, our first gradation in the hitherto-monolithic "Post-1.0"
category. The rest will get moved to 0.32 or into the general
Post-1.0 pool. None will be left in 1.0, because the only purpose of
that milestone was as a holding area until we got to this point.

I hope people are generally okay with this. I certainly don't expect
everyone to agree with every decision, but do ask that you wait until
you have an overview of all the shifts before objecting to a
particular assignation. Some serious triage is necessary, or we'll be
here all day, know what I mean? :-)

As for 0.32, Beta, and 1.0: The plan is that once 0.32 is complete, we
are officially "in Beta". At that point, we will make a release
branch (called "stabilize-1.0" or something), which will be for
bugfixes only. There will be cross-pollination between trunk and the
1.0 stabilization branch, but risky new features will stay confined to
trunk. When the branch is ready, we release 1.0, and have a party.


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Received on Fri Oct 3 07:41:59 2003

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