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Re: Current Updated Revision Number

From: <e.huelsmann_at_gmx.net>
Date: 2003-09-08 21:16:19 CEST

> > Suppose the file with the expandable keyword is "conf/revfile" (below
> > trunk/ or tags/whatever/ or branches/whatever/, as the case may be). To
> > build a release that includes one patch, the buildmeister does:
> >
> > cd trunk/ # or branches/whatever, or ....
> > svn up -r 1234 # includes conf/revfile, so it gets 1234
> > svn up -r 2345 src # excludes conf/revfile, so it doesn't change?
> >
> > Now revfile says "1234", but svnversion on "." would say "1234:2345",
> > which I think is not what anyone would want.
> That is just the same as if you had a manually maintained "VERSION.TXT"
> file in the root of the project, and updated only a sub-tree. VERSION.TXT
> would be out of date. If you put VERSION.TXT in the sub-tree, then it
> have been updated ... regardless of whether it was manually maintained or
> using this new keyword. The system works exactly as designed and as
> expected. I think that is reasonable behaviour.

Yay Julian! Go!

Well on a serious note: This is what I wanted to add to subversion when I
first started hacking it. (Only a few months ago) I never got round to doing
but I do think this is reasonable, especially where the argument of the
is '.'.



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Received on Mon Sep 8 21:17:24 2003

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