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Re: Active SVN Working Folder is getting too big!

From: Bruce <bjc_tsvn_at_btinternet.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2017 19:20:57 +0100

I'm simply a user with some experience trying to contribute to the
community with some peer-to-peer suggestions. Others, on the mailing
list, are much more experienced the me. Apologies if this is too obvious
to be of any help.

It is difficult to make suggestions without understanding your current
repo. It may help others to make suggestions if you described the
structure a little more.

Some things to consider are below.

>> TortoiseSVN 1.9.4 <<
I'm sure you are aware that the latest version is v1.9.5. I try to keep
this up to date, to get the latest fixes.

>> We have a single target SVN Repository stored on a Network location. <<
Is the repo running on a Subversion server on the network, or simply a
shared folder on a network drive? The latter is not recommended. The
following is an extract from the TortoiseSVN manual

    /...this is most definitely not recommended. In fact we would
    strongly discourage it.../

There's further explanation of the issue in the manual.

>> When setting up a new PC for a new employee, the time that takes to
"fetch" and pull the entire 10 GB contents from the SVN Repository onto
the user's PC is in hours now. <<
It's not clear why it would be necessary to checkout the full repo. A
more normal approach would be to checkout sections.

For example, a user might checkout the latest working copy (normally a
folder named "trunk"). Alternatively, the user might wish to checkout a
previous version, that would be typically stored in the "tags" folder.
Similarly, the user might wish to check our a development branch that is
being developed in parallel to the latest code. This would typically be
a sub-folder of the "branches" folder. In these cases, the user is only
checking out a small section of the total repo - not the complete repo.

There's much more information about standard repo layouts in the
Subversion red book (http://svnbook.red-bean.com/).

Since the various repo sections are related (e.g. a snapshot tag was
probably based on the working folder when it was created), the checkout
process can be further optimised by using the switch command. I have
colleagues that seldom (if ever) use the switch command, while others
use it often. It might help, but that doesn't seem to be the core of the
problem here.

>> We do not want to create a new empty SVN Repository for every new
year because we do not want to lose the history as well as there are
some folders/files (code) that we always want it to be available
regardless of the years passed. <<
The repos I work with have snapshots of the code for historical releases
over the years (i.e. tags). They are all available in the repo but I
only checkout those parts of the repo when I need to work with those
previous snapshots - not the full repo.

Hope this helps,

On 05/06/17 20:58, Sam wrote:
> Hello,
> Our team uses the following versions:-
> - TortoiseSVN 1.9.4, Build 27285 - 64 Bit
> - Subversion 1.9.4
> We have a single target SVN Repository stored on a Network location.
> Our team members have Local Working development folders that we use to SVN Commit and SVN Update against this single SVN Repository.
> As time has passed-by, number of our team members have also increased, which has resulted into the Local Working development folder to now be at about 10 GB.
> When setting up a new PC for a new employee, the time that takes to "fetch" and pull the entire 10 GB contents from the SVN Repository onto the user's PC is in hours now.
> We are thinking of perhaps, keeping the active working development folder lighter by performing yearly archiving exercise (on some folders while ignoring other folders from this date condition) - moving older content elsewhere and then deleting it from the active working development folder.
> Are there any suggestions on how to address this? Any best practices such that it won't affect our team's day-to-day work significantly?
> We do not want to create a new empty SVN Repository for every new year because we do not want to lose the history as well as there are some folders/files (code) that we always want it to be available regardless of the years passed.
> Thanks!
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Received on 2017-06-06 20:21:12 CEST

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