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RE: SVN Client no longer showing SVN icons on project files or folders

From: Kerry, Richard <richard.kerry_at_atos.net>
Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 09:33:01 +0000

You can find the overlays in the registry, under :


This will show you all the overlays that have been registered by all applications that want them. As well as TortoiseSVN you may have other Tortoises (eg Git or CVS); you may have Dropbox, or OneDrive (aka SkyDrive); if you have any SharePoint tools installed you get others. There's probably many other applications that add their own.

Only the first sixteen will act. I believe this is a limitation of Windows. And that it's been there for a very long time without increase (I think it's been 16 since XP, if not earlier).

If you use OneDrive then every time Windows Update does anything to OneDrive it tends to re-establish its overlays as part of the update, so if the ones you want suddenly all disappear you may need to go back into regedit and delete the OneDrive ones, or rename them.

It seems that most applications that use overlays can cope if the names are changed slightly, for example by having a digit added at the start. If you do this you can manipulate the order of the list so that the ones you want are used.

I tend to do this so that the TortoiseSVN ones stay at the top of the list and get used. For example, I think the first one is called "TortoiseNormal", but I've changed it to "0TortoiseNormal".



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Richard Kerry
BNCS Engineer, SI SOL Telco & Media Vertical Practice
T: +44 (0)20 3618 2669
M: +44 (0)7812 325518
G300, Stadium House, Wood Lane, London, W12 7TA

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From: Simon Large [simon.tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com]
Sent: 27 May 2015 08:09
To: users_at_tortoisesvn.tigris.org
Subject: Re: SVN Client no longer showing SVN icons on project files or folders

On 26 May 2015 23:33, "Dean Craig" <dean_at_c4llc.com<mailto:dean_at_c4llc.com>> wrote:
> I'm not really sure what happened, but now when I go into my project folder, on my PC, where I used to have the green icons on the folders and files to tell me they were all good to go (or the red or other colors if there was an issue), now there is nothing, just normal folder and file icons. If I right-click on a folder, the SVN Commit... and SVN Update... options still show up, so apparently it's still running, or at least the file explorer plugins are. I also checked the server and it says the repository is running there as well.
> I've got a project that I need to modify so I really need to figure this out ASAP. I have no idea what to do or try at this point and don't want to mess up my version control or repository.
> Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

First of all don't panic. It's unlikely that anything serious is wrong. You can eliminate the repository straight away as a repository connection is not used to show the icons.

The easiest thing to try is the Cleanup command which had an option to refresh the overlays.

If that doesn't work it may be a problem with the status cache. In TSVN settings you can change the cache from default to none and back again, or you can kill the TSVNCache.exe process directly, then use F5 to request a refresh of the view in explorer.

If none of that works, have you installed any other program that uses icon overlays, or updated TSVN lately. Windows only supports 16 overlays and some programs are greedy. Priorities can get changed when one of those programs is updated.


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