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Re: Unversion a working copy - Again.

From: BladeOfLight16 <bladeoflight16_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 05:15:06 -0400

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 9:53 AM, Huber Philipp (Helbling Technik) <
philipp.huber_at_helbling.ch> wrote:

> *This request is not about Export, it is about files wrongly added in
> the first way to the repository like preferences or user specific data.*Of course that could have been avoided with ignore properties, but they
> also missed at that time.****
> ** **
> There is a feature in HG called ‘Forget’ which removes the file from
> source control but leaves everybodys working copy unchanged when they
> update the next time.
First of all, just be aware that I'm not a dev on either project. This is
just some food for thought.

You hit the nail on the head. This is a feature request for SVN rather than
TortoiseSVN, and that's a separate mailing list. I believe SVN accomplishes
this by issuing a delete command to the server. The file is deleted on
other users' machines simply because the SVN server has a delete recorded;
it's just applying the delete when they update. None of this is TSVN
specific; it's the way Subversion works. Even if Subversion did something
to add some kind of "unversion without deleting" option, I imagine making
it available would require a server side upgrade in addition to the client
side upgrades.

In the mean time, if this is really local data, then having the user that
actually uses the local data do the "Unversion and ignore" would probably
help if they are user specific file names, since no one else would care
about the file anyway. I would say go ahead and add the ignore patterns to
prevent further adding of similar files. You should also consider whether
having them in SVN really hurts anything if the user wants it there. If the
files have user specific names, probably not, and you might consider just
leaving it alone. (Believe me, I identify. I like to keep things clean and
sleek, but sometimes not everyone is on board with that. Trying to force
them to do it is probably not a productive endeavor.) If this is a file
that everyone shares the same name, you might want to consider changing
that. (If the file* *has to be the same name for everyone, you could
accomplish this with some kind of templating mechanism that uses user
specific files to get its template expansion data.) These suggestions are
just work-arounds for the fact that SVN doesn't do what you want, but
hopefully, they'll be helpful.


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Received on 2013-08-17 11:15:55 CEST

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