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AW: Problem/bug with TortoiseMerge 1.7.9 b23248 64-bit libsvn_diff 1.7.6

From: Andreas Ländle <andreas.laendle_at_soloplan.de>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 09:08:42 +0200

Hello Stefan,


thanks for clarification - but I still found the behavior of the diff algorithm strange in some way.

I give you an example...


Clipping of the diffs of the two files:


Here the diff show that there is a difference between line 3194 in list-signed-all.txt and line 1304 in list-signed.txt - first this isn't true (the lines indeed are identical - but o.k. we ignore that because you already explained fact). But if I'll enter now to new empty lines on line 1300 auf list-signed.txt the previously stated difference on line 3194/1304 moves down!?




Well, I don't what to discuss the correctness of the diff algorithm - from a mathematical perspective all may be fine. I just want to state that my impression is that the algorithm works very counterintuitive for these example files ;-(


Best regards,

Andreas Ländle



Soloplan GmbH

Software für Logistik und Planung


Burgstraße 20 | 87435 Kempten | Deutschland

Web: www.soloplan.de <http://www.soloplan.de>

Geschäftsführer: Wolfgang Heidl, HRB 5304 Kempten


Von: Andreas Ländle
Gesendet: Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2012 11:59
An: users_at_tortoisesvn.tigris.org
Betreff: Problem/bug with TortoiseMerge 1.7.9 b23248 64-bit libsvn_diff 1.7.6




if you compare the two attached files and Take a look at the last difference (starting the line that follows line 1303 in list-signed.txt - line 3193+ in list-signed-all.txt). What seems really strange to me is the fact that this is reported although line 1304 of list-signed.txt is identical to the line 3194 of list-signed-all.txt! What I would expect is that, because we read from top to down, differences in the files are detected as close to the bottom of the document as possible.


For now the position of the last difference seems to be chosen arbitrary ;-)


So please let me know if I was unclear and have to improve my description of the problem.


Thanks in advance for any hints regarding my problem.


Best regards,





Soloplan GmbH

Software für Logistik und Planung


Burgstraße 20 | 87435 Kempten | Deutschland

Web: www.soloplan.de <http://www.soloplan.de>

Geschäftsführer: Wolfgang Heidl, HRB 5304 Kempten


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Received on 2012-10-04 09:08:55 CEST

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