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Re: Unable to connect to Server

From: Ulrich Eckhardt <ulrich.eckhardt_at_dominolaser.com>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 08:44:03 +0200

On Thursday 26 May 2011, you wrote:
> I did try to access the repo browser with no good effect.

Okay, so it isn't something specific to write accesses.

> I don't know where the svn.ini file is to remove the '-q'. If you could
> point out how to access this then I'll follow the suggestion.

If you go to the settings of TSVN, there is a button that opens an editor with
that file. That said, I can't find the mentioned setting there, but I wouldn't
necessarily see it if that option was added recently, because the template
used for this configuration file is rather old (several years).

> What is suspicious is that immediately after the initial error on deleting
> a directory it proved impossible to connect to the Subversion server.
> Could be an accident of nature but it looks suspicious.
> Any guidance would be appreciated. I've started reading the Tortoise and
> Subversion documentation but every time I get into it, work intrudes - so
> much for a job huh - so I am a strict novice.

 * First thing to try is to rule out the SSH tunnel as error source. Make sure
you can use it to log into the server for normal shell access. Note that if
you output anything from .bashrc or similar files, this will confuse any
tunneling like what SVN uses because it goes through the same channel.
 * Log into the server and try to access the repository there, using file://
URLs. Don't modify it in any way, you could mess up file permissions.
 * Permissions are also the next point, if someone directly wrote to the
repository, they could have accidentally changed file permissions and/or
ownership. Check that these are correct, e.g. by comparing with a newly-
created repository.
 * You could also try to access that newly-created repository to see if it is
something with the repository that is wrong.
 * If the server side doesn't turn up any errors, you could try to run
svnserve there and then access the repository through that. Try it both
locally and remotely.
 * Similarly, you could try to create one on your desktop machine to see if it
isn't something with TSVN going wrong. This wouldn't test the networking side
though, so it's not a 100% proof if it works.
 * Always useful is to test access from a completely different machine.

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Received on 2011-05-27 08:40:44 CEST

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