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svn with active directory connection

From: Didier Maurer <snospam_at_yahoo.fr>
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 01:41:09 -0700 (PDT)


I experience trouble using the new version of tortoise SVN combined with active directory.

My system admin gave me the trace log below:

Apache configuration:

<Location /projet>
                DAV svn
                SVNPath /svn/projet
                PerlAuthenHandler Apache2::AuthenNTLM
                PerlAddVar ntdomain "DOMAIN dc01 dc02"
                PerlSetVar defaultdomain DOMAIN
                PerlSetVar splitdomainprefix 1
                PerlSetVar ntlmdebug 0
                PerlSetVar ntlmauthoritative off
                Require user user1 user2

Commits NOT working with a new version of tortoiseSVN:

CHECKOUT /projet/!svn/ver/2/ HTTP/1.1" 201 708 "-" "SVN/1.6.12
(r955767)/TortoiseSVN- neon/0.29.3

PUT /projet/!svn/wrk/97597694-88f6-0d48-9867-a792a526bba8/test2.txt
HTTP/1.1" 201 692 "-" "SVN/1.6.12 (r955767)/TortoiseSVN-

MERGE /projet HTTP/1.1" 401 580 "-" "SVN/1.6.12
(r955767)/TortoiseSVN- neon/0.29.3

DELETE /projet/!svn/act/97597694-88f6-0d48-9867-a792a526bba8 HTTP/1.1" 204
181 "-" "SVN/1.6.12 (r955767)/TortoiseSVN- neon/0.29.3"

on MERGE command we get a 401 response.
au niveau du MERGE nous recevons une erreur 401 Unauthorized access meanwhile the other requests are working.

The same try with an older version of tortoise svn:

Commits working with an older version of tortoiseSVN:

CHECKOUT /projet/!svn/ver/0/ HTTP/1.1" 201 708 "-" "SVN/1.6.6
(r40053)/TortoiseSVN- neon/0.28.6

PUT /projet/!svn/wrk/6c2d73cd-1e74-f741-af01-f55dc3a87f28/test.txt
HTTP/1.1" 201 676 "-" "SVN/1.6.6 (r40053)/Tortoi
seSVN- neon/0.28.6

MERGE /projet HTTP/1.1" 200 676 "-" "SVN/1.6.6
(r40053)/TortoiseSVN- neon/0.28.6

on MERGE command we get a 200 OK response.

You can also see the attached capture

Using normal accounts to access the server are working.

What can I do to use my active directory accounts to access the SVN ?



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Received on 2010-10-01 10:44:21 CEST

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