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Re: Tree conflict dialog fails to resolve conflict correctly in merge with added files

From: Stefan Küng <tortoisesvn_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2010 19:01:05 +0200

On 05.07.2010 22:47, Stephen Schaub wrote:
> Using: TortoiseSVN 1.6.9
> Steps to reproduce:
> 1. Create empty SVN repository with standard trunk and branches
> directories (empty trunk). Create a branch of the trunk.
> 2. Create a new file with the same name in both trunk and branch. Commit
> both.
> 3. In the working copy of the branch, use TortoiseSVN to merge the trunk
> to the branch. A tree conflict results.
> 4. In the Merge results dialog, right-click the tree conflict and choose
> Edit Conflicts. The dialog reads “The last merge operation tried to add
> the file ‘foo.txt’, but it was already added locally.”
> 5. Click “Keep the file from the repository.”
> Expected: The version from trunk is saved to the working copy.
> Actual: The version from the working copy is retained.
> Am I misunderstanding the dialog?

No, but the problem here is that the svn API isn't really 'finished'
yet. Meaning: the API has all the parameters to do what the button says
(and it does so in most tree conflict scenarios), but not in this
specific one. Since the file was already added locally, the version from
the repository wasn't saved anywhere so the API simply fails here.
Problem is: the svn API doesn't return an error but returns 'success'
even though it only marked the conflict as resolved but didn't really do
what it was told. If it would throw an error, TSVN would show that error.

> When I click “Keep the local file”, the version from working copy is
> also retained. In other words, regardless of which of the two options I
> choose in the dialog, the same outcome (working copy retained) occurs.
> In a related matter, in the Merge results dialog, when I right-click the
> tree conflict and choose “Resolve conflict using theirs”, the message
> “Tree conflicts can only be resolved to ‘working’ state” appears. I
> would expect that the “Resolve conflict using theirs” option would
> perform the same work as the “Keep the file from the repository” button
> in the Edit conflicts dialog.

Again, this is the svn API here that doesn't do what is expected. At
least this time you get an error message telling you that the API can't
resolve the conflict that way - you have to fetch the file from the
repository yourself.

in SVN 1.7 handling of tree conflicts (and resolving them) should be
improved a lot. So let's hope these issues will get resolved then too.


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Received on 2010-07-06 19:01:27 CEST

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