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Setting a Working folder at the top level of the repository

From: Nathan Clement <nathan_a_clement_at_yahoo.com.au>
Date: 2007-04-17 06:22:27 CEST

Hi Everybody,

I've finally convinced everyone that our company should migrate from Visual Source Ssafe to Subversion (woohoo!). I've had no problems convincing people that this is a good idea for our VSS repositories that contain source code.

However, people haven't been so easily won over for our documentation repository. This repository contains a deep hierarchy with many sub-folders. Each user is interested in 10-20 very specific areas of the repository - the rest is irrelevant to them. For instance, it would be normal for a user to want to access the following areas of the repository:


I'm looking for an easy way for users to check out a local copy of these folders without having to type in a path manually each time. What I'm imagining is that I would set the "working folder" for the entire repository to "C:\Documentation", then when I went to check out one of the folders listed above, TortoiseSVN would fill in the local path for me (e.g. C:\Documentation\Support\Security\Keystores\Production). Is there a way to achieve this in TortoiseSVN? Is there another feature that will prevent users from having to type in the local path each time?

I read about sparse directory support in 1.5.0, but I don't think that it will help me.

Thanks for any help,


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Received on Tue Apr 17 06:22:34 2007

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