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Problem with Vendor branch upgrading

From: Kyohere Luke <pr0f3t_at_gmail.com>
Date: 2006-08-04 08:57:12 CEST


I'm having a few problems with vendor branch upgrading on windows.

I've read the vendor branches documentation, and was able to successfully
create an initial vendor drop. Now, however, I'm trying to upgrade to the
latest vendor version.

As per the instructions in the manual, I've checked out the
/vendor/tool/current directory and the problem is when I try to copy the
contents of the tool directory over it, it doesn't delete those files which
should no-longer exist. i.e those files which were removed from the latest
version. So a tortoiseSVN>Check for modifications will show some modified
files and some unversioned files, but no deleted files. I have to go into
the directories manually and find out which files need to be deleted, which
is tedious to say the least.

I understand that a similar operation on unix/linux would have gotten rid of
the unwanted files, while windows would just overwrite the files that exist
and add the new files. Is there a standard way of upgrading vendor branches
on windows? And is there a standard way of doing it with TSVN, which
addresses this issue?



-- Luke Kyohere
Received on Fri Aug 4 08:57:22 2006

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