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RE: Feature request: change the way you set TSVN bugtraq: properties

From: Jaap Vermeulen <jaap_at_skyscape.com>
Date: 2006-07-11 17:22:30 CEST

Hi again.

It's too bad there was only a single response to my original message
outlining the problem we run into. This response stated:

> TSVN fetches the bugtraq properties from the working copy,
> not the repository. So although it is not officially recommended,
> you can work with a "common root" checked out "above" your working
> copies.

This, IMHO, shows that the problem I described is not clearly understood.
Let me reiterate that it is impossible to have a common root due to the
hierarchical nature of SVN. If we had a common root, and we would run a
checkout, we would be checking out gigabytes of information for hundreds of
versions for the 300+ products I mentioned.

To my understanding, TSVN will not search up through unversioned directories
to find a possible versioned directory again that contains TSVN properties
(unless that changed somewhere along the line). And even so, it relies on
too much "happenstance" structure to tie the bug tracking in.

We only pull working copies for a single version (typically the trunk or a
branch) for a single product when we work on that product. Since the
bugtraq properties come from the repository when the working copy is
created, and because the directory above it is not versioned, we have to
apply the bugtraq attributes to at least the top-level directory of all of
the products, and if we allow only parts of a product to be checked out, it
would have to be on every directory within a product. This, to me, is

The whole concept of tying the bugtraq properties to a specific point in the
hierarchy because you assume that that point of the hierarchy is always
included is a fallacy IMHO. I would rather see a repository-wide directive
that is in effect for all working copies, regardless of where in the
hierarchy they were checked out from.



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Received on Tue Jul 11 17:26:48 2006

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