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working copies problem on shared network drive

From: Jon Kloske <jkloske_at_itee.uq.edu.au>
Date: 2006-12-12 09:14:42 CET


I have a (unix) network drive mapped to two windows machines via samba for
two different users. On that drive is an SVN working copy directory.

All the files are owned by UserA and a group both UserA and UserB are in.

File permissions as shown on the unix server are:

rw-rw-r-- UserA Group blah.php

Directory permissions are:

rwxrwsr-x UserA Group .

TortoiseSVN seems to work fine until UserB comes along, edits the file, and
in doing so ends up with ownership of it (or ends up owning it via some
other method:)

rw-rw-r-- UserB Group blah.php

Now in windows when I try and update, commit, or do anything with that file,
I get an error from Tortoise:

  Can't set file 'N:\blah.php read-write: Access is denied.

Trying anything anywhere on that working directory from that point on
results in an error saying I need to run a cleanup on the working copy.
Attempting to run the cleanup on the working copy gives me the above error

I've read around the web that setting dos filemode parameters to true in my
samba conf may fix this issue by artificially working around unix's block on
an attempt to change permissions on a file I don't own, however:

a) I don't have access to this flag, and my systems administrators won't
change them.
b) A lot of people are also reporting that this flag didn't fix the issue
c) It doesn't actually change the filemodes at all, so why is it trying to
set them?

Any insight into this problem would be greatly appreciated, given I couldn't
find anything specific to working copies (I saw a lot of stuff about
file:/// repositories on network drives, but not a lot on working copies)
and the errors page on the tortoisesvn FAQ site didn't list my error, and I
couldn't find a fix in the changelog or on the current bugs page.

I would expect at most a warning about being unable to set file permissions
(not a critical working-copy-destroying error condition), but then again
this may be based on a flawed understanding of what's actually happening.

I'm not on the mailing list, so I'd appreciate a cc in any replies.

Jon Kloske

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Received on Tue Dec 12 09:17:53 2006

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