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[Subclipse-users] svnant : error "... is not a working copy"

From: Bonvin John <jbonvin_at_vaudoise.ch>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 11:29:29 +0200


I'm trying to use svnant tasks in my ant build scripts, but it looks
like svnant does not recognise my working copy as such. Using Subclipse,
I checked out an Eclipse project from our Subversion repository, did a
few modifications to the items but did not commit them. I've no problems
using Subclipse on that working copy.

My setup :
Eclipse 3.4.1 (JEE)
ANT 1.7.0
Subclipse 1.6.2 (JavaHL and ClientAdapter
SvnAnt 1.1.0-RC2

Here's part of my ant script :
        <path id="svnant.classpath" >
dir="C:/development/java/tools/svnant-1.1.0-RC2/lib" >
                        <include name="*.jar" />
        <taskdef resource="org/tigris/subversion/svnant/svnantlib.xml"
        <target name="version.info">
                        <info target="${unit.home}" verbose="true"/>
                        <!-- <wcversion path="${unit.home}"/> -->

When I run this target with the info task, I get the following error,
even though
the directory DOES contain a .svn subdirectory and behaves correctly
with Subclipse.
     [echo] unit.home =
      [svn] <Info> started ...
      [svn] svn:
ols' is not a working copy
      [svn] <Info> failed !

nent-tools\buildTargets.xml:194: Failed to set 'info' properties

When I run the same target but with the wcVersion task, I get the
NullPointerException, which is consistent with the fact that my Eclipse
directory is not recognised as a working copy (that is issue 861) :
      [svn] <WcVersion> started ...

ls\buildTargets.xml:193: java.lang.NullPointerException

Does anyone have an idea of what's going wrong and how to solve this
problem ?

Thanks in advance for your kind help, best regards,

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Received on 2010-06-28 13:48:34 CEST

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