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[Subclipse-users] Re: Date / time and other "tags" in files in projects managed with subclipse

From: Lorenz <lorenznl_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 06:57:29 +0000

ct529 wrote:
>Plenty of room. I do not understand, but it is the underlying svn.
>Mark Phippard wrote:
>> $Rev:: $: is a fixed-length format. It is possible that it verifies
>> it has enough room to substitute before it does it.

the number of blanks between the '$Rev::' and the terminating ''$'
defines the space available for expansion.

So from your earlier post '$Rev:: $' allows only for only one

From the documentation (*) I would have expected to see 'Rev::#$'
after commit + update, because the '#' character is used to signal
that there have been more characters than space provided.

If you don't care about the length of the resulting string use the
'$Rev:$' version.

(*) from:


Subversion 1.2 introduced a new variant of the keyword syntax, which
brought additional, useful—though perhaps atypical—functionality. You
can now tell Subversion to maintain a fixed length (in terms of the
number of bytes consumed) for the substituted keyword. By using a
double colon (::) after the keyword name, followed by a number of
space characters, you define that fixed width. When Subversion goes to
substitute your keyword for the keyword and its value, it will
essentially replace only those space characters, leaving the overall
width of the keyword field unchanged. If the substituted value is
shorter than the defined field width, there will be extra padding
characters (spaces) at the end of the substituted field; if it is too
long, it is truncated with a special hash (#) character just before
the final dollar sign terminator.

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Received on 2010-03-16 07:57:49 CET

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