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[Subclipse-users] subclipse stability

From: Dale Beermann <dale.beermann_at_5dresearch.com>
Date: 2006-12-15 23:30:56 CET

I have been having some pretty severe issues with Subclipse and I'm
wondering if anyone else has seen similar behavior. Some of these
issues have been similar to those in the thread "Refresh of Eclipse
project (or files) does not work proper," but I haven't been leaving the
Eclipse environment to use svn. This issues seem to happen when moving
files between projects in Eclipse or working with multiple projects at
the same time.

For example, I had an issue today where I moved several files back and
forth between projects and when finally comitting the files, one package
would not commit because it was somehow referencing a folder on the
server that was no longer there. The only way to fix it was to backup
my files, check out a fresh version, re-add the files and check them
in. I also had an issue today where I updated my files across several
projects before making a commit, and then when going to make the commit,
files that have been modified are not showing up in the list. This has
happened several times and the way to fix it seems to be to close
Eclipse and restart (sometimes a "Refresh" works as well). The third
problem a coworker experienced today had to do with attempting to update
multiple projects at the same time. In this case, he was getting errors
that mentioned an inability to get a lock. The codebase was left in a
completely unknown state and we had to keep trying to check out files
one project at a time until there weren't any left.

I wish I had concrete examples about each of these issues, but we're
moving very fast and its pretty hard to take the time to track down the
exact operations that made something happen, especially when I'm
committing 150 files at the same time. At this point, we've decided to
move back to cvs because of the stability. We just don't have the time
to figure out the current state of our code after a commit or checkout.
Also, while I've seen several emails on the mailing lists about 1.1.9
not having an affect on any of this, it does appear that the problems
have been getting worse since the new version.

I'm wondering if some other users can elaborate on their Subclipse
experience in large projects. I really hate to move away from svn but
we just don't have a choice right now. Maybe there's some aspect of our
environment that is causing all these problems, but I even downloaded
new versions of Eclipse and Subclipse today to make sure something there
wasn't screwed up.

I hope this email doesn't sound like I'm flaming Subclipse, that's
really not my intention. There are a lot of things I really like about
it and I really wish I could keep with it, I've just been spending about
an hour a day trying to fix some of the problems it has caused.


Windows client
Eclipse 3.2.1, downloaded fresh today
Subclipse 1.1.9 updated fresh through Eclipse today

Suse Server
svn version 1.3.0


Dale Beermann

Dale Beermann
Software Architect, Founder
5D Research Inc.
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Received on Fri Dec 15 23:36:06 2006

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