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RE: [Subclipse-users] Subclipse: "The selected elements contain read-only resources"

From: Renneberg, Volker (Bundeswehr) <Volker.Renneberg.External_at_eads.com>
Date: 2006-04-18 18:28:53 CEST


I just reproduced the same problem with eclipse 3.1.2 RC1 and subclipse 1.0.1.

> I would focus on figuring out what is causing stuff to be
> read-only to begin with. I would also see if it is really
> read-only or not. If you look in the Windows file system
> does it say the file is read-only?

In both cases (directories with and without read-only problem), a right click on the directory "myDir" in the windows file system tells me, that the write-protected check-box is neither checked, nor unchecked (it is grey). However, this behaviour of windows XP is the same for all directories in the file system (I just checked it).

There is another strange behaviour:
- If eclipse is being told to ignore the read-only-information and continue to delete the directory, it issues the delete --force-commands to SVN (first the contained file AAA.java and then the directory). However, it aborts with the previously described error. Afterwards the problematic directory "myDir" does not contain any .svn-directory anymore. Furthermore, the SVN-log tells me
"Working copy not locked; this is probably a bug, please report". What does this mean?

- In case where the read-only problem does not occur, the directory to be deleted still contains the .svn-directory.

> Rather than doing a Close/Open cycle on the project have you
> tried selecting the project and doing a Refresh?

Refreshing does not work (tried it with eclipse 3.1.2 RC1).

> Eclipse has an eclipse.platform Newsgroup for general
> questions and of course there is a Bugzilla database as
> Eclipse.org as well. I think it would be worth spending a
> bit more time on it here before asking Eclipse.


> Mark


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Received on Tue Apr 18 18:34:19 2006

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