After converting your CVS repository to SVN using the cvs2svn tool, you will see that your branches and tags have been brought over but within Eclipse, each file no longer appears to be "linked" in the SVN Resource History to the branches/tags with which it is associated, as you might be used to in the CVS Resource History. In other words, the Tags column is empty in the SVN Resource History where it was populated in the CVS Resource History. The reason this is different in Subclipse is because Subversion doesn't impose any directory structure on the repository and therefore couldn't possibly know where to find your project's branches and tags. But, thanks to a feature in Subclipse, a bit of setup gets you very close to the functionality of CVS in this area. This feature is decribed in detail here,, but I'll describe how I used this feature after a cvs2svn conversion. Steps to link the tags to the associated revision: 1) Do the cvs2svn conversion either by converting the whole CVS repository or converting just one CVS module into an existing SVN repository. 2) Re-arrange the folder structure to suit your requirements, if necessary. 3) The following operations will need to be performed on each branch. Most likely only a handful of branches are actively being developed on. a) Checkout the project using Subclipse on the branch you want to work with b) In the Resource or Java Perspective in Eclipse, right click on the project and choose Team -> Configure Branches/Tags c) There are three different trees in this view. The Branches and Tags trees are empty. The following operation will populate them which in turn will have the effect of populatating the Tags column in the Resource History. i) Expand the tree representing your repository and browse out to the Branches directory for this project. Select all the branches that should be linked to the project on this branch. Right-click and choose "Add branch". This adds an entry for each Branch to the Branches tree. ii) Expand the tree representing your repository and browse out to the Tags directory for this project. Select all the tags that should be linked to the project on this branch. Right-click and choose "Add tag". This adds an entry for each Tag in the Tags tree. iii) Click OK to save your work. 4) The project directory will now show as dirty because a svn property has been added to it. The property's name is "subclipse:tags" and it's value is the list of branches and tags you just configured. At this point, showing the SVN Resource History on any given file should show the associated Branches/Tags. 5) Commit the project directory's property change to SVN.