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detecting repository-side existence with SvnAnt

From: Humberto Madeira/Trapsoft Inc <Humberto.Madeira_at_trapezegroup.com>
Date: 2005-10-21 02:48:59 CEST


I'm trying to use SvnAnt to help implement automated tagging.

However, in order to do that, I need to be able to detect whether a
directory path exists on the server.

Unfortunately svn status is for working copy use only.

I tthought of using svn list, but SvnAnt rc1 doesn't have it yet.
Or svn log, or svn proplist either.

svn propget svn:ignore https://yada/yada works on the command line,

However <propget name="svn:ignore" path="https://yada/yada"
property="ignore.list" />
does not work - it throws a NullPointerException

I guess it can't find the URL and then is fails as in issue 406
( http://subclipse.tigris.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=406 )

I don't think it considers a URL as a valid path (the command line svn
propget does)

I also considered using Ant's <get> command on the server side URL,
but I didn't want to put the username/password in the build file (SvnAnt
uses the locally cached one)

Currently I am using svn checkout and catching the fail exception using
ant-contrib's try/catch task.
This is a bit messier than I would like for something which should be
relatively simple.

Is there any sort of simple repository-side path existence test available
through SvnAnt?
Ideally svn list with a property to set and another property on failure
(like Ant <condition>)
Even better, directly as a condition usable by Ant <condition>...

Here is my current environment stack
java 1.4.2_09
ant 1.6.5
subversion 1.2.3
Server is subversion 1.2.3 via Apache 2.0.54+SSL

Received on Fri Oct 21 10:48:59 2005

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