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RE: More on importing large project, layout of projects/versions/branches in repository

From: Charles Nutter <cnutter_at_ventera.com>
Date: 2005-05-04 16:58:22 CEST

It seems that at least part of the problem was that I was trying to
create a module named "<project>/trunk". When I just allowed Subclipse
to choose the name, it seemed to succeed.


Is this correct behavior? I would like to follow the standard
recommendations for Subversion repository layout (project/trunk,
project/branch, etc) but it seems when adding to the repository it does
not like me specifying this sort of layout.


It also brings another question to mind: Could not Subclipse provide the
very friendly and useful Versions/Branches style tree layout from the
CVS repository view, but behind the scenes be enforcing or supporting
the standard Subversion repository layout?


One of the biggest problems I've had with Subversion is that it's almost
too permissive in how projects/versions/branches are laid out in the
repository...permissive to the point of confusion, since I have seen
multiple conflicting recommendations at various times. It would be great
if Subclipse could have a "strict" mode of operation that takes care of
generating and maintaining this layout for me.


- Charlie



From: Charles Nutter [mailto:cnutter@ventera.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 1:29 AM
To: users@subclipse.tigris.org
Subject: More on importing large project


I tried again today to import a large project. I added it to source
control, went to the sync view, chose Commit at the root of the sync
tree, entered my comment, hit Select All to add all listed files to
version control, and proceeded from there. I got this message:


The SVN synchronization information for {0} has become corrupt or does
not exist.


I'm running current Subclipse and JavaSVN. The server should be running
Subversion 1.1-ish.


I thought I saw this mentioned somewhere before, but could not find the


Charles Oliver Nutter | Senior Specialist, Architect
Ventera Corporation   | Minneapolis, Minnesota
Office: 612-370-3061  | Mobile: 612-710-1274
Received on Thu May 5 00:58:22 2005

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