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Re: How to enable and use keyword substitution (a-la CVS)

From: David J. Marcus <djmarcus_at_m5inc.com>
Date: 2005-02-27 23:37:10 CET

Mark Phippard wrote:

>>There is still an issue of how the keyword substitution are made. Under
>>CVS each substitution generates new lines in the file that become part
>>of the updated file. The substitutions thus serve as a chronological
>>history that grows and is embedded right in the file. This is a very
>>useful feature. It seems that in Subversion you only see the last
>Not exactly. What you describe is how the $Log$ keyword behaves. The
>issue is just that svn does not support that keyword. The rest of the
>keywords, the one svn does support, behave similar to their CVS
Its not really worth quibbling about, but just for the record the $Id$
CVS keyword *does* generate a different line each time a substitution is
done (not just the $Log$ keyword) - which is different than the way SVN
handles it.

I concede that the value of cumulative substitution is in the eye of the
beholder. For us its important for others its a pain. My grandmother
often used a phrase that really applies here: arguing preferences is
like grinding water.. gets you nowhere in a hurry.

And just to underscore the issue, after some exploring of the Team menu
I realized that I can get what I need by using the resource view linked
to the editor. I suspect I could even get used to it :-)

I appreciate the very helpful feedback.


>As for the rest of your points, if you read some of the mailing list
>threads I sent you, you will find answers to all of your questions. The
>devs have their reasons why they are not supporting this keyword. Some of
>them, such as Karl Fogel, originally worked on CVS so perhaps they just had
>problems supporting that keyword and did not want to bring the burden into
>As others have pointed out the svn log command serves as a decent
>By the way, even though there is a specifc UI for setting keywords, they
>are just svn properties. So you can also just use the standard UI for
>maintaining properties, and just use it to maintain the svn:keywords
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Received on Mon Feb 28 09:37:10 2005

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