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"svn resolve" Leaves Temporary Files in WC When More Than One Conflict for a File is Present

From: Jeremy Whitlock <jcscoobyrs_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 16:15:45 -0600

Hi All,
    I have ran into a situation where I get prompted for multiple
conflicts for the same file during update/merge/switch and when I
resolve the file, only the last set of temporary files are removed
from the WC. Here is an example to reproduce:

1) Create a branch.
2) Create multiple revisions on the branch that will create
conflicting blocks on the same file when merging to the trunk.
3) Merge back to the trunk. (Use the -c notation: svn merge -c2,5,7-9,11)
4) svn resolve --accept=theirs-full

You should see that only one set of the temporary files are removed.
While the conflict is resolved, and the affected file is available for
commit, you still have some left over temporary files. I guess that
the resolve command should be conflict chunk aware. Can anyone help
me validate this so the appropriate information can be put into the

Take care,


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Received on 2008-07-08 00:16:00 CEST

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