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csharp swig bindings

From: Toby Johnson <toby_at_etjohnson.us>
Date: 2006-07-11 21:28:18 CEST

I was surprised to find that no one has worked on C# bindings for
Subversion, now that SWIG supports that language. I started to look into
what the effort would be to work on this, assuming I could start with
the Perl and Ruby bindings as examples, but unfortunately my knowledge
of C is limited and my knowledge of Makefiles even more so.

So I guess my first question is whether I'm in over my head... maybe my
understanding of SWIG is flawed but I figured once bindings were there
for one language, others would be more or less trivial, but looking at
the libsvn_swig_xx "utility" functions this doesn't seem to be the case.
It seems that not only is a lot of non-trivial C required, but a rather
deep understanding of the Subversion internals.

Is my assessment of the effort involved here correct, and if so, is
there anyone else with more knowledge of Subversion who has attempted to
generate the C# bindings? I'd be willing to help out with the C# coding
and some of the simpler C stuff if there is any other interest in this
from someone who understands the Subversion internals.

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Received on Tue Jul 11 21:28:00 2006

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