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Re: Replay, Authz, and 1.4

From: Greg Hudson <ghudson_at_MIT.EDU>
Date: 2006-05-04 01:32:23 CEST

My position:

1. Checking out /tags, /branches, or their parents is a real problem,
though apparently a tolerable one, and one we should address, but it
isn't an authorization problem; it's a performance safety measure. If
it doesn't fit nicely into the authz file, we should invent a new
mechanism rather than squeezing it into the existing one.

2. You're hugely overblowing the severity of the replay problem.
Checking out /tags or /branches or their parents is bad because has a
multiplicative cost; a 1MB trunk with a hundred tags generates 100MB of
data on a checkout of /tags. Replay, on the other hand, is quite
efficient; it gives you exactly as much data as you need. Moreover,
people who want to use that kind of functionality are already
synthesizing it from other operations today, so it's unlikely that
replay is going to create some kind of new load issue. I don't object
to putting replay controls in the performance safety mechanism mentioned
above, but I don't think there's any need to have that in the same
release as replay goes into.

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Received on Thu May 4 01:33:37 2006

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