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RE: Re: Files with trailing dots on Windows

From: Matthew Janulewicz <MJanulewicz_at_greendotcorp.com>
Date: 2006-01-23 18:55:34 CET

Non-svn-developer here, but long time SCM administrator. So I may get
this message bumped. But ...

Just because you *can* do it with a hack doesn't mean every piece of
software on Earth should support it. I can visually diff a binary file
with WinDiff, but it's not normal, accepted behavior, and I can't expect
every utility out there with a diff to support it just because I can do
it with another tool. I agree with the SVN developers in not supporting
a .000001% user scenario. This is where bloat comes from.

I'll say what everyone is thinking: 'Why in the world would anyone even
think of putting "..." at the end of a file name?' It doesn't make sense
in the first place. How about using '[Put your file here]' instead. If
you've used a PC for more than a few weeks you might understand why the
simple solution for all applications is to not end a filename with three
dots, or question marks, or back slashes, or forward slashes, or hidden
characters, or the @ symbol, or ... .


-----Original Message-----
From: Giovanni Bajo [mailto:rasky@develer.com]
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 12:21 AM
To: dev@subversion.tigris.org
Subject: Re: Files with trailing dots on Windows

Max Bowsher <maxb1@ukf.net> wrote:

>> P.S. If you were interested in supporting case-sensitive file names
>> also (i.e. having two files in the same directory that only differ
>> in case): that would be possible through FILE_FLAGS_POSIX_SEMANTICS
>> for CreateFile - unfortunately, you would have to use NtDeleteFile
>> for removal...
> Sure, you can play all sorts of devious tricks with low level APIs,
> but that leaves you with files on your disk that cause 99% of existing
> software tools to then break in mysterious ways when you attempt to
> work with them.
> In my personal opinion, this 'solution' is totally nonviable.

I don't understand. It's not that Subversion is *creating* files with
filenames out of the blue. If *I* added it to the repository, it means
that *I*
have tools to handle them. *I* will also make sure other people
accessing the
repository know what to do with them. It could also be that those files
can't /
needn't be accessed at all under Windows and people will access them
different OS: if this is fine by me (in my repository), I'm not sure why
as a Subversion developer, should care. It's up to the users to decide
what to
do. If I know how to create files with trailing dots, well, let me shoot
in the foot, don't tell me that I should be playing nice.

I believe Subversion should do everything in its power to behave
even with respect to files with wrong filenames. Surely being unable to
out the correct files, and then complain because the repository is
while it really isn't, doesn't look like a correct behaviour.

Giovanni Bajo

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Received on Mon Jan 23 19:14:29 2006

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