Fix issue #2324: Disable username assumption Patch by: Jeff Weiss Suggested by: chrisjensen * Added the --prompt-username option to the command line client which ignores the os, cached, and --username usernames and always prompts for the username. * subversion/include/svn_cmdline.h (svn_cmdline_setup_auth_baton): added boolean parameter for overriding os, cached, and provided usernames. * subversion/include/svn_auth.h: added property for prompting of usernames * subversion/libsvn_subr/cmdline.c (svn_cmdline_setup_auth_baton): added boolean parameter for overriding os, cached, and provided usernames, sets the svn_auth property if parameter is true. * subversion/libsvn_subr/username_providers.c (username_first_creds): added test for existance of username prompt property. added additional condition based on that property to blocks getting cached and os usernames. * subversion/libsvn_subr/simple_providers.c (simple_first_creds_helper): added test for existance of username prompt property. Added additional condition based on that property to blocks getting cached and os usernames. (simple_prompt_first_creds): added test for existance of username prompt property. Changed parameter of call to prompt_for_simple_creds to utilize existing functionality of prompting for username on 2nd+ tries. * subversion/clients/cmdline/cl.h (svn_cl__longopt_t): added the prompt-username option to the long options enumeration in the appropriate alphabetical position. (svn_cl__opt_state_t): added boolean member for holding whether or not the --prompt-username option was passed. * subversion/clients/cmdline/main.c (svn_cl__options): added the command line option of --prompt-username to the array of possible options. (SVN_CL__AUTH_OPTIONS): added the svn_cl__longopt_t version (see subversion/clients/cmdline/cl.h) of the prompt username option to the authentication options. (main): added case to set the prompt username field of opt_state if the prompt-username command line option passed. Added the opt_state field to the call to svn_cmdline_setup_auth_baton.