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Re: [l10n] Translation status for trunk r12095

From: Lübbe Onken <l.onken_at_rac.de>
Date: 2004-12-03 11:21:43 CET

Norbert Unterberg wrote:

> I've done some more work on the German files, and this time I've
> attached a patch to this mail with my changes. Please note that I did
> not check my changes with any language tool, so they might have
> "syntax errors" in them.

Hi Norbert, thanks for your work! Please cc me, when replying to
dev@subversion. I've unsubscribed from this list, because it's too much
traffic. I regularly do quick checks on news.gmane.org, but I would have
missed you patch if it weren't for Karl who had cc'ed me on his reply to
the same subject.

> I have changed these things:
> * Consistently using 'dass' instead of 'daß'

> * Fixed some typo, spacing and comma errors
There's one thing I'm not particularly sure about. Did you notice that
the english phrases amost always containg two spaces after a full stop
instead of one? There was a reason for that, but I don't remember it
anymore. I know it isn't consistent in German, but you 'fixed' some of
these in German to one space. I made them two spaces again when for the
time being.
Maybe we have to go in the opposite direction. If someone could tell me
why to use two spaces? To go from two spaces to one would just be a
simple search & destroy. ;-)

> * Changed some phrases so they do not contain 'genitive-chains'

> * Rewrite of the second 'export' usage because it was definately wrong.
> Looked like a copy and paste error late at night ;-)
Well possible.

> * The help text of the propset command still seemed totally malformated,
> I corrected that (at least I believe so)
I wonder what had happened to that command. It looks like some
tab-expanding editor damaged it. I never noticed...

> * Wrapped some lines so they fit into 80 columns

> * Output of 'status' and 'update' command: I have added the original
> English meanings of the status codes.
Excellent! You're absolutely right.

> * The help text of the 'switch' command was hard to understand. What do
> you think of the changes?
That's a lot better! I'm pretty sure the original sentence is not my
translation, because that's not my style of writing, but I remember that
when we did the first translation, each of us did a few hundred a day,
plus proofreading the others translations. One working his way top down,
the other bottom up.

> All these changes are just suggestions, feel free to take them or throw
> them away!
Thanks a million for proofreading! I'm just checking the weekly updates
and that's why garbage that made it into the translation stays there

Threw away none of your suggestions. I just changed the use of 'gib' to

One thing I'd like to discuss with you. When I read the german
instructions, I'd prefer to use the 'Indikativ' instead of 'Imperativ'.

'Gibt die Daten aus' instead of 'Gib die Daten aus'
'Stellt die Arbeitskopie um' instead of 'Stelle die Arbeitskopie um'

The imperative was a result of the first (a bit too literal)
translation. This sounds / feels better to me. What do you think?
I changed four phrases to read this way. Give me your feedback.

- Lübbe

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Received on Fri Dec 3 11:24:16 2004

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