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Re: Eric goes to lunch -- a decentralized-development user story

From: Eric S. Raymond <esr_at_thyrsus.com>
Date: 2004-09-16 22:34:46 CEST

C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato@collab.net>:
> No, that's not true. I sequentially apply each revision from my
> temporary repository to my "real" work copy, and can commit up each of
> this changes individually, even pulling the original log message for
> that change from the temporary repository.

Correction accepted.
> Now, I'll grant you that because I've not taken the time to script
> this process, it's almost more headache than it's worth. But please
> don't imagine that the case for some VC decentralization was first
> made by Eric Raymond on today's Subversion list. :-) It's happening
> already, in various forms, and with various degrees of ease/pain.

Yup. svk, your scripts, various kluges with rsync, Tom Lord's
attempts to start a conversation way back when. I'm not under any
illusion that I was first in with this.

> So, I agree. There *is* utility in some decentralization. The catch
> is harvesting that utility while throttling the chaos that can quite
> easily ensue.

Also agreed. And this is exactly where I think I can be useful. I've
been thinking about these issues for a long time, I'm not so up to my
ears in the details of svn's implementation ythat it's hard for me to
think in other terms, and I have some design sense.

I think we've already made some significant progress in this discussion.

1. We understand what the relationship between action diffs, history diffs,
   and dumpfiles has to be. That doesn't solve the policy questions, but
   it does outline the shape of the mechanism.

2. We have an svk advocate in the conversation.

3. We've got two good use cases on the table ("Eric goes to lunch" and
   Philip's AS/4000 scenario) to which people are reacting in
   informative ways.

These are all good. We're nowhere near the point of coding yet, but we're
making headway on some important design issues.

		Eric S. Raymond
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Received on Thu Sep 16 22:35:11 2004

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